Sunday 23 September 2012

Heroes Assignment- Feedback

Recently, Mr Croft set us the task of, in pairs, watching an episode of a TV drama, and assess it on the various things we have studied in class so far. Click here to view the result.

The feedback from my classmates was:

  1. More images required to break up the "huge wall of text", and more appealing than graphs, which make no sense.
  2. Great terminology and detail, and did well to cover most topics.
  3. Good images/diagrams but gets too text heavy at end.
  4. More detail about character roles. Good work on signification and theories.
  5. Good detail and explanation but could have more colour and excitement.
  6. More visual and audio aids to add another dimension to it.
  7. Very good explanation, good use of terminology and developed more than needed with the very in-depth graph.
  8. Interesting mix of graphs, images and text.
  9. Good detail and perceptive explanation of a lot of terminology

The general consensus was that we used terminology well and to good effect, and it was done in good detail. However, we could have used more images and perhaps made the post more interactive and entertaining. I think these comments are fair, but I think, with an assessment like this, it is difficult to get entertainment in there- when reading others I found it difficult to stay interested all the way through- although perhaps that was because I had read 4 or 5 similar assessments. The pair I thought did the best job was Adam and Liberty, whose assessment of Doctor Who: Asylum of the Daleks used amusing images to keep the reader interested and engaged throughout.

For me personally, next time we are given a task like this, I know I need to pull my weight more. My partner did a lot of the work, while I sort of sat there and offered the occasional insight. However, I think it is difficult. I dislike the idea of "working with someone you haven't worked with before". I think it holds you back, and when I am working with someone like Megan, who sat there and got on with the work, it is quite easy to slack. Say, if I was working with someone I am comfortable around, they, or I, would be quite happy to say "oi! You're not doing any work!" or to disagree with something they say or do. Whereas with someone you don't know, it is a bit awkward and there is not as much freedom and comfort. I accept that it is what happens in real life and you have to deal with it, but at this stage, when we are trying to get quality of work and the highest grades, it would be better to work with someone you know and are comfortable around.

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